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City Hall

The City Clerk Office is located in City Hall, 21 W. Main Street. Office hours are 8:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Friday. Phone number is 712-873-3545. The City Clerk’s office is responsible for directing and overseeing the day-to-day business of the city, and implementing the policies of the City Council. They work closely with the Mayor and City Council to ensure the delivery of efficient and effective public services to the community as well as recording and maintaining of all Council records, proceedings and ordinances and issuance of various licenses and permits. The City Clerk's office is also responsible for all financial aspects of the city, which include preparation and collection of utility bills, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and investments. Residents who have questions regarding utility service and connections and utility bills should contact the Clerk's office.

City Clerk
Michaela Peterson
Email: moville@wiatel.net

Deputy Clerk
Megan Cross
Email: deputyclerk@wiatel.net

City Hall

City Clerk Office

21 W. Main St., Box 420
Moville, IA 51039
712-873-3545 (phone)
712-873-5660 (fax)

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
(Closed for lunch hour)


Closed on the Following City Observed holidays:
New Year's, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Day After Thanksgiving, and Christmas

Quick Links

Good Neighbor Guide

Click here for the Good Neighbor Town Guide

Urban Revitalization

Click here for the Urban Revitalization Brochure

Click here for the Urban Revitalization Application

Capital Improvement Plan

Click here for the Capital Improvement Plan

Moville Comprehensive Plan with Exhibits

Click here for the Comprehensive Plan

Moville Zoning Map

Click here to view Moville Zoning Map

City of Moville Zoning Ordinance

Click here for the Moville Zoning Ordinance

City of Moville Code of Ordinance

Click here for the Moville Code of Ordinance


Click here for the Owner-Occupied Housing Rehab Program Brochure

Click here for the Registration Form

How To Recycle

Click here for Recycling Information

Click here for more information or to set up the service

Permits and Licenses

Building Permit

Fence Permit

Sidewalk Permit

Pet License Form

Dog & Cat Ordinance

Moving/Demo Permit

All the above shall be submitted to City Hall, If you have further questions, please call City Hall at 712-873-3545.

General Information:

The City of Moville provides water, sewer, and garbage to residents. Please contact City Hall for more information.

New Service
For new residents please call City Hall or stop in to give us your contact information and set up services.

Payment Due Date
Utility bills are mailed out monthly, the first of every month. Payment is due by the 20th of each month unless the 20th falls on a Saturday, in which case, payment is due on Friday. If the 20th falls on a Sunday, the payment is due the next business day following the 20th.

Late Charges
The resident will be assessed a penalty of $1.00 for all services if not paid on or before the 20th. All past due accounts are subject to disconnection after 12 days from the due date. We are NOT responsible for U.S. Delivery. Failure to receive a bill, does not excuse payment.

Termination of Service
Prior to terminating services please contact City Hall.

Pay Utilities by Enrolling in Automatic Payment
You have the option to pay your utility service through our automatic payment process. Complete our Automatic Bill Payment Authorization and return it to City Hall. The automatic payment will be taken out the 8th of every month.

Automatic Bill Payment Authorization Form

Cancel Automatic Payment
You may cancel your automatic payment withdrawal at any time. Please complete the cancelation form if you wish to cancel.

Cancelation of Automatic Bill Payment Authorization Form


City Hall rents out the following:

  • Moville Community Center (VIEW CONTRACT ) - $1200 rental fee (reception 3 days) with $200 deposit
  • Moville Community Center (VIEW CONTRACT ) - $600 rental fee per day with $200 deposit
  • Fire Station Meeting Room, includes Kitchen - $100 rental fee per day with $100 deposit
  • City Hall - $50 rental fee per day with $100 deposit
  • Memorial Park (Remodeled in 2012) - $75 rental fee per day with $100 deposit
  • Main Street Pavilion - $100 rental fee per day with $100 deposit

Answers to our most frequently asked questions

  1. For what public utilities does the City of Moville bill?
    The Following codes appear on the utilities bill
    WA – Water
    WW – Wastewater (Sewer)
    GB – Garbage (Weekly curbside garbage pickup)
    LF – Landfill (A county-wide fee to run the Woodbury County Area Solid Waste Agency)
    ST – Storm Sewer
    WE – Water Excise Tax

  2. Who do I call to set up Utilities in Moville?
    City Hall (712) 873-3545 Monday through Friday 8am – Noon, 1pm – 4pm to get an account set-up.

  3. What options are available to pay my utility bill?
    The City of Moville accepts many forms of payment including cash, check and ACH.
    • ACH option automatically deducts the billed amount from your bank account around the 8th of each month. You will receive the monthly utility bill so you have a record of the amount to be deducted.
    • A drive up drop slot is available on the east side of City Hall in the drive thru lane.
    • Mailing payment to: City of Moville, Box 420, Moville, IA. 51039
    • Credit/debit cards are now accepted online. Click on the “Pay Online” button.

  4. When does the garbage get collected?
    Garbage pickup is every Thursday morning. We strongly recommend you set your garbage out Wednesday night to ensure pickup. Garbage cans must be placed at the curb next to street and away from surrounding vehicles. Enough room needs to be provided to allow the giant trucks easy, safe access to the cans. The City of Moville contracts with CHN Garbage of Mapleton for garbage collection.

  5. Where can I get a recycling bin?
    The City of Moville currently does not require recycling, but strongly encourages it. To learn more about what can be recycled click here. A recycling bin can be obtained from Gill Hauling by calling 402-404-3035. For more information or to set up the service, click here.

  6. What day will my recycling be picked up?
    Gill Hauling picks up recycling every other Wednesday. See Community Calendar for up to date information.

  7. I recently brought a new pet to my home, what are the city requirements for pets.
    LICENSE. Every owner of a dog over the age of three (3) months shall procure a dog license from the City Clerk on or before the first day of May of each year. The annual license fee shall be five dollars ($5.00) for each spayed or neutered dog and ten dollars ($10.00) for each non spayed or neutered dog. A penalty of $3.00 per month shall be assessed for failure to pay the license fee when due.
    IMMUNIZATIONS. Every owner of any dog over the age of three months shall, when procuring a dog license from the city clerk, shall present to the city clerk a certificate from a qualified doctor of veterinary medicine that such dog has had immunization against rabies. The City Clerk shall not issue any dog license until evidence is shown certifying a rabies vaccination of the dog by a licensed veterinarian.

  8. Who do I call if I notice a street light out?
    Please call Mid-American Energy at 888-427-5632 to report the location.

  9. What activities are going on in Moville?
    Check out the Moville Community Calendar. Community Calendar

  10. I am planning to plant a tree or do some digging or construction around my property. Who should I call to have my water, gas, electric, and phone and cable lines located?
    • Iowa law requires that any person, homeowner, professional, public or private entity, planning to engage in any form of excavation within the state of Iowa, must notify the Iowa One Call notification system, at 1-800-292-8989, or www.iowaonecall.com at least 48 hours prior to excavating.
    • The Iowa One Call notification system is a free call and a free service to all persons planning an excavation within the state of Iowa. The required 48 hours advance notice does not include Saturdays and Sundays or legal holidays.
    • Iowa One Call is a non-profit organization funded by the owners and operators of underground facilities who are required by law to belong to the system.

  11. When is a Building Permit required for new or existing structures?
    • New Construction. A building permit is required for all new buildings or structures and can be obtained by calling City Hall at 712-873-3545 or download here.
    • Existing Structures. A building permit is required to enlarge, alter, repurpose, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any existing building or structure in the City. A building permit can be obtained by calling City Hall at 712-873-3545 or download here.

  12. Do I need a permit to build a fence?
    YES. Complete the Fence Permit, submit to City Hall with the filing fee. Download Fence Permit
    If you wish to construct a fence on the lot line, the adjacent property owners must agree and sign the permit jointly prior to submitting to City Hall for approval.
    PLEASE NOTE: Iowa law required 48 hour notice before digging, please contact Iowa One Call at 800-292-8989.

  13. Will the City locate and find my lot pins?
    No, the City will not locate the lot pins for you. You may call a licensed land surveyor to locate the lot pins for you.

  14. Do I need a permit to move or demolish a building?
    Yes, please contact City Hall at 712-873-3545 for more information.

  15. Does the City allow burning?
    The City Council will allow open burning for a two week period each Spring and each Fall. Dates are posted on the Community Calendar, in the Moville Record and the newsletters. Open burning is to burn yard waste and leaves.

  16. Where do I get rid of trees, branches or yard waste?
    The City Tree dump/ grass pile is located across the road from the CPS site. (northwest edge of town limits) Residents are asked to abide by the list of rules located at the entrance and please be aware the property is under video camera surveillance. Please do not dump trash, lumber or any other prohibited items listed on the sign.

  17. My water bill is unusually high this month. What is the cause?
    The monthly bill that you received from the City is a utility bill. That term is used because the bill includes a garbage collection fee, water usage fee, wastewater fee, and a landfill fee. The garbage collection fee and landfill fees will not change from one month to the next unless the City Council approves an alteration in the fees. The water usage fee and the sanitary sewer fee are based on the amount of water used during the month. A water meter, generally located on the water service pipe inside of the home or business, measures the amount of water used. The water meter is read monthly by the City.

    An unusually high water bill may result from one or more of the following:
    • Additional indoor water use during the month that may have resulted from house guests or visiting family members using additional water for showers or other sanitary purposes during the month.
    • Additional outdoor water use during the month such as car washing or lawn irrigation.
    • Water leak at a point after the water has passed through the water meter. One of the common locations of water leaks in a home or business is a bathroom toilet.
    • A faulty valve in a toilet can permit water to pass through it and into the sanitary sewer without any external evidence of leaking. If a leaking toilet is suspected, it can be checked by at least two methods. The first is placing a few drops of food coloring in the toilet tank. If the valve is leaking, the colored water will enter the toilet bowl without flushing. A second method is to record the water meter reading in the evening after all water use for the day ceases. The following morning record the meter reading. Make sure that a water softener did not cycle during the night. If the readings are different, a toilet may have leaked and registered water use during the night.
    • Other common leaking points include water softeners or water heaters. Listen to see if water is continually passing through these appliances.

  18. How much water does an average person use?
    Water use varies by individual. As an average we estimate that a household might use around 1,000 per gallons per person per month.

  19. There is reddish brown colored water coming out of my faucet. What do I do?
    The reddish brown color is probably the result of “rust” in the water. The rust color is caused by oxidized iron in solution with the water. Oxidized iron in the water is deposited on the interior walls of the water main. Annual programs to flush the rust from the interior of the water mains help but there is still some residual. The rust will re-enter the water from the interior walls of the water main when water velocities are increased. Water velocity increases during high water usage events such as a fire or water main break.

    If rust colored water is observed in a home or business the first step is to determine whether it is in a cold water fixture, hot water or both. A suggested procedure to follow based on the determination is as follows:

    • Cold water only. Attempt to avoid using any hot water until the rusty water is clear. This will help prevent the rusty water from entering the hot water heater. If hot water use cannot be avoided, the water heater may need to be drained following clearing of the cold water. To clear the cold water, attempt to flush the home or business system through an exterior faucet. If the water does not become clear during flushing, contact the City to check the water main and flush if necessary.
    • Hot water only. If only the hot water is rusty, the cause may be the water heater. It is recommended that a plumber be contacted to check the heater.
    • Cold and hot water. The rusty water may have entered the home or business as cold water and entered the hot water heater during use of hot water. Follow the procedure for cold water only. Following clearing the cold water, drain or flush the hot water heater.




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21 Main Street | Moville, Iowa 51039 | (712) 873-3545